Rosy had a hard core play time with Kingston and had a lot of fun. When Kingston comes over there isn't any time for a nap, but that means we get plenty tired by the time afternoon nap time comes along. Rosy fell asleep in her highchair for the first time and I thought it was just the cutest thing ever. No wonder everyone has 1 or 10 pictures of their kids in this exact pose!
One night Spencer and I decided to spoil ourselves with some Tim Tams after Rosalin went to bed. The next morning after Rosalin had woken up, we realized that she was being awfully quiet in the kitchen. We got up to investigate and realized that she had several Tim Tams in her hands and in true toddler fashion she just started eating faster once she was caught. It was hilarious!!
Rosalin has also started her climbing phase, and her first major feat was the couch in our living room. She was quite pleased with herself in getting up there and decided to have a little chillax. That's how we all sit on the couch right? Way to go Ros!
Love to all.
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