Little Lizard

Friday, November 26, 2010

Out on the balcony I have a little potted garden consisting of cilantro, basil, and some snapdragons (purple). Sometimes when I go out to water them I see a little lizard climb out of the pot and scurry away.  I never thought anything of it until this past week I saw him in my living room. I had Spencer usher him outside and then I made sure to close our screen. Two days later he's back again climbing around our living room. I had Spencer catch him again and out he goes. The next day I seem him climb under our screen door and right under our carpet. After pulling up some of our carpet we couldn't find him and I just hoped that he wasn't squished under there and that our carpet would stink even more from rotting lizard. Yesterday while Spencer was on the phone I saw him in my living room again and after wrangling him around the whole living room I managed to get him out without even touching him. We decided that the next time we saw him we would remove him farther than the balcony so that maybe he'd take up residence somewhere else. This morning I follow Rosy out to the kitchen to get her some milk and I see him four inches up the wall trying to climb over our shoes. (all PETA people avert your eyes) Spencer caught him and walked outside and tossed him off of our balcony. We looked down and he wasn't moving, but then Rosalin's toy goes sailing over as that's what she thinks we're doing today. I slip on my shoes to go down and pick up her toy and I walk over to the lizard who scurries away. Hopefully to our neighbours garden. Here's a picture of a similar looking guy but I think ours was  2-3 cm longer.


Brittany Jassman

November 27, 2010 at 4:01 PM
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Lol! I love this! You're such a vivid storyteller, Linny :)